

恭喜IM电竞App官网11月份的最佳员工,护士长 哈雷奥尔! 在这里阅读她的提名:

“十月十六日晚上. 2023年13日,海莉是白班的主管护士.“这是非常忙碌的一天,到了下午就更忙了. 我很惊讶晚上22点Haley还在BBGH.这是她下班很久之后的事了! There was documentation that needed completed and she stayed to get it done to be able to keep the night shift afloat.

“我看到海莉在BBGH的很多场合都‘凌驾于命令之上’. She is a caring and careful nurse and has leadership skills that make others want to be better. I am blessed to be able to work with Haley and her devotion makes me want to work harder. 她是我选择在BBGH工作的原因之一!"